
Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Memorial Day Weekend

We had a first tooth losing

Dance recital costume modeling

Board game playing

Sprinkler running

Cook-out with friends
kind of Memorial Day Weekend. Hope yours was great too!

Buzz's Tooth!

Buzz lost his first tooth over the weekend! It had been loose for quite a while and I was really hoping that it would hang on a little longer so that Ruben could be home when it came out, but it took me completely by surprise when it fell out on Friday evening. Buzz was so excited! He put his tooth and a penny under his pillow (the penny was a present for the tooth fairy). He woke up to an envelope containing a note from the tooth fairy, fairy dust and $5.

Monday, May 30, 2011

Trouble...Cute Trouble

I don't think I've mentioned it here before but Bean is trouble. She seems to get into everything so much more than Buzz and Boo ever did, but she's adorable so I guess it's ok :)

Here's where I found her today


Friday, May 27, 2011

Gone Fishin'

Buzz and Boo have been practicing some of their skills this week by fishing. I wrote sight words for Boo and math problems for Buzz on cardstock fish (from the teacher section at Dollar Tree), attached a paper clip to each one and put them in a laundry basket. They used a little fishing pole from a magnetic puzzle that we have. They both thought it was a lot of fun and made sure that Bean got in on the action too!

Monday, May 23, 2011

Rain, Rain, Go Away

It's been raining almost every day for over a week here. And when it's not raining, it's too wet outside to play, so the kids have been trying to come up with ways to keep busy. So for the past week we've had:

Lots and lots of reading

Building a marble run

And mixing up potions

They also spent a lot of time finger painting with shaving cream in the bath tub. I won't be sharing pictures of that :) but Bean was definitely amused by it

I hope you're enjoying drier weather than we are!

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Friday, May 6, 2011

Week in Review

This week we had beautiful weather almost every day, which gave us lots of opportunities to head outside to play. We went for walks each day and played at a few different playgrounds. It's so nice to be able to play outside regularly after such a long winter.

Boo finished Lesson 11 in The Reading Lesson this week.
She is trying to read everything in sight and it's been amazing to see how quickly she's gone from just learning her letter sounds to being a full-fledged reader!

Buzz worked on putting words in alphabetical order. His first set of words were food items and the next was characters from our current read-aloud, Prince Caspian.

We did a lot of math activities this week. Boo practiced matching numbers and number words.

 And used our numbered craft sticks to practice greater than and less than.

I pulled out our pattern blocks and the book Pattern Animals this week. I've had the book for a long time and just never got around to using it. Both Buzz and Boo had fun filling in the different animal patterns and doing a few of the worksheets from the book (yes, they love worksheets and workbooks, I do too, we're weird like that). My favorite part was when they did a worksheet that had them guess how many blocks they would use on an animal before filling it in. Boo decided that the first of her three animals would take 2,400 blocks. The other two would take 18 and 17. When I explained to her that 2,400 wasn't a very logical guess she kindly told me that a guess is just a guess and it doesn't matter if it's right or wrong...ok then. 

 We planted sunflower seeds in plastic cups two weeks ago, so this week Buzz and Boo made a graph of how tall each plant has grown each day.

 For science we talked about how planes fly. Buzz and Boo both made a paper airplane with a rudder and wing flaps. They tested out what happened when the rudder flap was bent and when the wing flaps were moved up or down.

And where is Bean during school each day? Well, sometimes she's napping, but usually she's destroying exploring the school room.

Monday, May 2, 2011

Breakfast Date

I think that spending one-on-one time with each of my kids is so important, it gives us a chance to connect on a different level than when we are hanging out as a family. Ruben or I try to take one of the kids out on a special date whenever we get a chance. Yesterday was Buzz's turn, for his date he chose for he and I to eat at Panera and then head over to Barnes and Noble (yeah, he's definitely my kid). We got to Panera right after it opened for our "breakfast date", we shared a bagel and a bear claw and then walked over to the book store. We browsed, read a few books and then I let him pick out something for himself and Boo. He chose the boxed set of The Chronicles of Narnia. We had a great time!