
Friday, October 7, 2011

Adventures in MFW: Week 5

Here's a peek about what we learned about in Adventures this week

Bible: The memory verse for this week was John 8:12. We read other verses referencing Jesus as the Light of the World

Social Studies: The focus was Pilgrims this week. We learned about when they first arrived in America. The Pilgrims didn't have glass for windows so they oiled heavy paper instead. Buzz and Boo oiled paper and compared it to regular paper.

We made Pilgrim hats out of fudge strip cookies and mini Reese's cups. I saw the idea on To Show Them Jesus

 We also learned about how Squanto taught the Pilgrims to plant fish along with corn seeds to help them grow. The Adventures manual had suggested planting corn seeds with fish as a hands on project, but I decided to go a different direction ;) Crushed up Oreos and chocolate pudding for the dirt, a yellow m&m for the seed and swedish fish for the fish.
We enjoyed our snack while watching "The Mayflower Voyagers" (Charlie Brown)

Science: We learned about stars this week. Buzz and Boo made constellations out of mini marshmallows and toothpicks. I saw this on To Show Them Jesus as well. Buzz loved doing it so much that he made every constellations he could find in our books and then made them all again for Daddy that evening!

Reading: Buzz started Dolphin Adventure this week

Boo finished The Reading Lesson this week!

She also started Andi's Fair Surprise

Read-Aloud: Henry Huggins

Extracurriculars/Family Stuff: Boo started taking horseback riding lessons last month and is totally in love! During her lesson this week the instructor let her ride off the lead rope for the first time (as in my little bitty five year old controlling a big horse all by herself!) She was beyond excited and proud!

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Bubble Snakes

I saw the fun idea to make a bubble snake maker on Come Together Kids and pinned it to Pinterest (which I may be slightly addicted to).

It was quick and easy and the kids had a great time! All you need to do is cut the bottom off of an empty water bottle, place a washcloth over the end and secure it with a rubber band. Dip the washcloth end in a mixture of Dawn and water and blow gently.

Buzz and Boo had a blast blowing bubble snakes and all three kids had fun chasing after them as they came off the end of the water bottle and flew away.