
Sunday, September 19, 2010

A Story About Ping

This year we're using Five in a Row (FIAR) as our main curriculum. I first came across this program when we started researching homeschooling (when Buzz was a baby), but back then I felt it seemed too "light" and wasn't going to be my cup of tea. I just wrote it off and honestly didn't think about it again until this past spring when I was looking into what curriculum to use for this school year. I wasn't thrilled with the curriculum we had used for kindergarten and I wanted something fun and low-key for this year, both because of my kids' learning styles and because we would be having a new baby in the house. So I came across FIAR again and decided to take the plunge. I'm so glad I did! Every week we get to snuggle up with a good book (which my kids love more than just about anything) and then take off with learning about anything that interests us. So fun! We rowed our first book this week, A Story About Ping by Marjorie Flack.

For science we learned about buoyancy. Buzz and Boo each made predictions on their chart about which items would sink and which would float.
And then they tested their predictions
"It floats !?!"

Buzz and Boo drew pictures of Ping with some help from their beloved Draw Write Now books and some inspiration from the book's illustrations.

They also did a worksheet where they counted Ping's family members

Acting out the story with critter counters
The wise-eyed boat

La-la-la-la lei!

We wrapped up our week with a fun Ping board game

All of our printables for this week came from Homeschool Share. It's a great resource for those using FIAR, and it has tons of other unit studies too.

The kids also spent a lot of time this week on our back patio watching some work being done on our neighbor's chimney.

We also had a great time getting together with friends for lunch and play time on Friday.

And for those in need of a Bean fix:

1 comment:

  1. Hey Tori!

    Your mother's friend, Rachel, here! I have to say that I think you're doing a phenomenal job. Keep up the good work and I'll keep checking back for more great ideas for my kiddos!

