
Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Stuff I Love! Cloth Diapers

Rumparooz are great for newborns (Bean was 8 pounds at birth and they fit great). The inner gussets are great for catching runny poo. We have a huge stash of these that Bean wore almost exclusively for the first four months and we loved them. Unfortunately she developed a sensitivity to the microfleece inner and can no longer wear them. This isn't the case for most babies though and I still highly recommend them, especially for the early months.

We bought the 3.0's when Boo was little, they were our favorite back then, but velcro gets scratchy and starts to look pretty tattered. Bean started wearing those old 3.0's when she was about 4 months old and they still worked great despite not looking so new anymore. When Bum Genius released the 4.0's (the current style) they introduced the option of snap closure. We ordered some and they are now our go-to diaper and definitely the only one I trust overnight.

Flips make up the rest of our diaper stash. We have mostly the organic inserts and a handful of the stay dry as well. I would say these work better for an older baby or toddler. Bean still poops on the cover almost every time at this point. But I know from experience that they work great for kids who are eating solids.

I've tried quite a few different detergents and I think Rockin' Green is hands down the best!

I always buy my diapers from Nicki's. Great selection, great customer service and fast shipping!

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