
Sunday, September 4, 2011

Tot School: First Week!

Bean is 13.5 months old

Buzz and Boo had their first week of the new school year this week so I decided to start Tot School with Bean as well. It's really no different than what we've been doing all along anyway, but writing it in my planner and scheduling it in my day allows me to make sure that Bean and I get focused time together just the two of us every day.
This week I put together three trays for Bean. The first held three books:
Bean won't normally sit still while I read her a story straight through (though she did surprise me and sit through Pajama Time a few times this week). Her favorite thing to do with books is to point to different things on each page and have me name whatever she's pointing at.

The second tray had five wooden blocks. Bean hasn't shown much interest in blocks and isn't quite able to stack them yet but I figured I'd set them out and see what she did. She took out the tray each day and gave stacking an effort for a minute or two then moved on.

Tray three was her favorite! An ice cube tray and counting links. The first day that she tried this she mostly
just wanted to take the links out and asked Boo and I to put them back in for her.

This is the face that she makes every time she sees me holding the camera, silly girl!

She did eventually decide that dropping them in was fun though!

The next day when she tried this tray she was much more focused on putting the links in by herself

She also used the ice cube tray to knock the blocks down :)

Check out what other little ones did for tot school this week:
Tot School

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