
Sunday, September 18, 2011

Tot School: 13 months 3 weeks

Bean is currently 13 months 3 weeks old
Tot School
Bean's first tray was three books-
Tray two was a puzzle. She tried to get the pieces in a couple of times but ended up getting pretty frustrated with it. She only pulled this tray out one time this week.

Tray three was jumbo buttons and a shoe box with a hole in the lid. I originally started with just a slit cut in the lid but she wasn't able to get the buttons in by herself that way so I ended up making a bigger hole.

She seemed to like dumping all of the buttons back out more than putting them in.

Of course wearing it as a hat is the most fun of all!


  1. We do the same thing with buttons for Grace, only we use an old diaper wipes container. She loves dropping them in through the top- it entertained her for a good twenty minutes the first time I pulled it out!

  2. My Stink Bug (13 months) seems to like to use just about anything for a hat too! Especially my mixing bowls! You have to love their simplicity!
