
Friday, September 16, 2011

The Homeschool Mother's Journal- 16 September 2011

The Homeschool Mother's Journal  

In my life this week…

We spent a ton of time outside this week enjoying the beautiful weather!

This afternoon we headed to Ruben's work to see him re-enlist for 5 more years in the Air Force. I'm so proud of him!

 In our homeschool this week…

We finished week 3 of MFW Adventures

Today was our first official day of co-op and everything went smoothly. No one cried and we were even on time, success!

My favorite thing this week was…

The beautiful weather. We spent hours playing outside each morning and evening and we even had to wear sweatshirts today! I hope the fall-like weather sticks around!

 What’s working/not working for us…

For the first two weeks of school we started as soon as breakfast was done but Bean was quite a distraction. This week we waited until Bean was napping to start school and things went much more smoothly.


I’m reading…

I read Room by Emma Donoghue this week. Wow.

I'm cooking...
A few weeks ago we read a story that talked about strawberry pie and Buzz and Boo have wanted to try it ever since. I finally got around to making it this week and oh. my. goodness. It was my first time making a pie completely from scratch and it was heavenly! After a few bites Buzz and Boo decided that they didn't really like it so I ended up having to eat most of it, such a sacrifice ;)

I’m grateful for…

My husband and his job. I'm thankful that we don't have to worry about income or health insurance in such uncertain economic times and I'm so proud of everything he does for our family and for our country.

 A photo, video, link, or quote to share…

1 comment:

  1. Pie, Yum! I love making food to go with whatever my kids are learning:) So thankful for people like your husband who protect our country!
